By now you’ve probably started to realise that the name given to every asana derives its inspiration from nature. This pose usually results in users looking a bit like a Matsya, a fish.
To be done correctly, this asana has to be done in Padmasana (lotus position) which may not be that easy for beginner. To make it easy you can stretch your legs and then lie on your back. Knees bent and hands by your side.
It is one of the back bend poses which, when done in the correct manner can be very beneficial. For many who are doing this for the first time you can use support for your neck to avoid any strain. Do this asana on a blanket or a yoga mat to avoid any damage to your back, don’t worry if you don’t have a mat, a thick blanket may just be the thing you may need.
It can be made difficult with many variations depending upon the person who is doing it. As ever, when doing this asana hold it for 15 to 30 seconds to get the full benefit.
The intense pull of the asana helps flexing your hips flexors and muscles between the ribs to make it more functional. This asana helps to stretch most parts of your body. By the increasing the stretch it stimulates the muscles and the abdominal organs including the neck and throat. This is the only asana which bends the spine and your neck backwards.
It is widely held that Matsyasana is the destroyer of many diseases. Pressure and stretch on the neck helps the thyroid glands including the pineal and adrenal glands. The nervous system, kidneys, stomach, intestines, the pelvic organs are strengthened and toned due to this asana. Asthma patient’s health will usually improve by regular practise of this asana. It helps improve your posture and is very useful for those who suffer from constipation, mild headaches, fatigue and menstrual pain.